10 lifestyle habits for better brain health

Simple habits can significantly impact brain health. Their simplicity perhaps leads some of us to believe in their inefficiency — how could anything be that good if it’s so simple? Yet medical reviews have repeatedly confirmed that it’s the little things that matter, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy brain. We’ve listed down 10 incredibly easy habits you can begin today.

  1. Eat “brainy” food — You are what you digest, not what you eat. If there is anything you should take away from being a regular Natural News reader, take home the knowledge that food dramatically determines how healthy you are. Incorporate more brain-healthy food into your diet. We recommend consuming more omega-3 fatty acids which can be found in salmon and eggs. (Related: Clinical trials review confirms: Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are an effective treatment for ADHD.)
  2. Take gingko biloba supplements — Cap off your breakfast with a gingko biloba supplement. Studies have shown that the extract can help form and protect neurons in the brain. This reduces the risk of memory loss and other forms of cognitive impairments.
  3. Read or do puzzles — Your brain needs to work out too. Keep it active by engaging in mind-stimulating activities such as reading or doing crossword puzzles. Some neurologists say that Soduko is one of the best mental agility puzzles you can do today.
  4. Drive without the GPS — Remember the time when you needed to use your brain to drive? While GPS has helped us avoid traffic, it also inadvertently caused us to stop using the parts of our brain responsible for spatial navigation and memory. Switching off the GPS once in a while will keep your brain mentally active.
  5. Walk — Use those legs! Even low levels of physical activity can boost brain health. Several studies have shown that those who walk, even just a little bit every day, are less likely to develop conditions such as diabetes and heart disease which contribute to memory loss.
  6. Space meals correctly — Never starve or gorge yourself on food. There are too many diets out there. Each has their own benefits and risks, but if you’re too confused (or lazy) to choose a single one, remember to just space meals correctly and eat proportionately. Eat healthy, low-calorie snacks in between big meals so your sugar levels never fluctuate. Maintaining good eating habits keeps your brain healthy.
  7. Do something different — Try taking a different route home. You’d be surprised; small changes in your routine jumpstarts your brain.
  8. Limit your TV use — Entertain yourself, but not by watching television. This doesn’t have to be anything difficult. Dine out with friends, take up sewing, play Bingo. Just remember that these activities need to be a little bit tough so that you have to focus. If you can do these things on autopilot, they’re not mentally stimulating enough.
  9. Disengage from your gadgets — Turn off your phones, log off from your computer, and don’t look at your phone at least an hour before bed. Data have shown that the blue light from these devices can disrupt your sleep, causing irritability in the morning. A healthy brain is a rested brain.
  10. Sleep on your side — Surprisingly, how you sleep can also affect how healthy your brain can be. Dr. Marilyn Glenville told the Daily Mail that patients should sleep on their side for a healthier brain. “When you sleep on your side, your body seems more able to remove the build-up of so-called “brain waste” chemicals, such as beta-amyloid proteins,” she says.

For more tips on improving your brain health, or other news related to this organ, visit Brain.news today.

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