4 reasons you absolutely NEED clean and potent supplements in order to be healthy

Virtually gone are the days where an individual living in the modern world can live a healthy life on traditional food intake alone. This doesn’t mean food isn’t important and shouldn’t be considered the foundation of your well-being, but due to several factors food alone doesn’t cut it unless you are VERY healthy and living in a stress free and non-toxic environment. Unfortunately, this is very rare as the medical and food industries have basically ensured we will experience heavy toxicity and nutrient deficient foods, right from birth.

It’s sad the old days are gone, but sometimes you have to stare directly into the face of reality and make the appropriate decisions to improve and safeguard your health. At some point, you have to fully realize that we’ve been medically abused and nutritionally starved.

Of course, the human body is very forgiving when you give it what it needs to function optimally. However, catching up often requires more than just a whole foods approach. To that end, here’s 4 compelling reasons you NEED clean and potent supplements in order to be well.

Soil depletion

To say that the majority of the soil our food is grown in hasn’t been recklessly depleted would be highly ignorant. Instead of nurturing our agricultural land by resting and nurturing it, conventional farming has been strip mining it to a point of total exhaustion.

As noted by Naturalnews.com:

In a study from the University of Texas that was published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, nutritional data was studied from the USDA from both 1950 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and fruits, and it was found that “reliable declines” were present in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C.

The Organic Consumers Association also cites data that analyzed nutrients from 1975 to 1997 and found that calcium levels in 12 fresh vegetables dropped 27 percent, iron levels 37 percent, vitamin A levels 21 percent, and vitamin C levels 30 percent.”

You can’t get out of your food what it doesn’t get out of the growing medium. Combine this with heavy processing, over cooking, and microwaving, and your food is a shadow of the nutrient value it used to be. This is why condensed nutrition in the way of supplementation is so important, as the body can then receive the adequate nutrients it requires.

The Health Ranger’s Fermented Super30 is a perfect start to getting the nutrients you require on a daily basis.

Excessive toxins

The human body has been asked to bear a toxic load that is unprecedented in recent times. At every turn it has been forced to deal with noxious chemicals and denatured food, from prescription medications to GMOs. This toxic burden is often extremely difficult to remove through food alone, and the nutrient deficiencies it can cause in the body are overwhelming.

Consider the following examples of how toxic medications and OTC drugs can deplete nutrients:

  • Antacids – can deplete the body of B12 and reduce absorption of minerals
  • Antibiotics – can deplete the body of essential nutrients such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin B’s, and iron, as well as compromise your gut health
  • Pain killers – aspirin can rob the body of folic acid and potassium
  • Cortisone and Prednisone – can reduce levels of calcium, magnesium, folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin D
  • Diuretics – can deplete sodium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B1 and B6
  • Birth control – can deplete magnesium, zinc, B2, B6, B12, and folic acid
  • SSRIs – interfere with absorption of B12, biotin, and folic acid

This is simply a list of some common medications, and is only a glimpse into the nutrient robbing ability of various toxins. When you consider adjuvants in vaccines, fluoride in water, pesticides and herbicides on food, mercury in your mouth, and pollution in the air, you can begin to come to grips with how the few nutrients you are getting, aren’t sticking around. This is where clean and potent supplementation can save the day.

Poor digestion

Many people believe they are what they eat, and that is partially true, but a more accurate way of understanding this basic tenet is that you are what you DIGEST.

Unfortunately, our digestion has been largely robbed of its full potential due to lack of enzymes, poor liver and gall bladder health, low stomach acid, processed foods, and a toxic cocktail of other pollutants that has greatly disrupted your microbiome. This leads to infections such as candidiasis, parasites, viruses, and unfriendly bacteria that compromise your nutrient absorption. It also leads to an unhealthy biofilm, which also prevents absorption of nutrients through the intestinal wall.

Keep in mind you don’t need a disease label (like IBS, Crohn’s, Celiac) to have digestive issues and absorption problems. That’s simply a sign the issue has become more advanced, and requires more attention to resolve. However, if you do have bloating, cramps, acid reflux, heart burn, gas, low energy, or brain fog, you can be certain your digestion is malfunctioning.

Proper supplementation will ameliorate those issues much faster, and fill in the nutritional voids that come with them. Starting with the Health Ranger’s 100% Organic Freeze Dried Aloe Vera Extract Powder will ensure you give your digestive system the support it requires to properly process foods.

Chronic stress

If you have never experienced chronic stress, consider yourself a unicorn. Whether it be health problems, your job, or relationships, chronic stress usually finds its way into our lives at some point. If managed properly through daily mindset practices like meditation, it can be kept under control, but how many people do you know that do that effectively?

There are several problems with excess stress, but one of them is that it can trigger symptoms and disease in the gut. This all starts due to stress affecting the movement and contractions of the GI tract and facilitating inflammation, which makes you susceptible to infections. Furthermore, this stress also results in decreased nutrient absorption and lowered enzyme activity, both which leave you with a need for higher nutrient intake. This makes chronically stressed people prime candidates for clean and potent supplementation.

Now, if there is anything you should take from all of this, it’s that unless you have stayed away from the conventional medical and agricultural systems, and have eaten like a saint, you’re probably suffering from a toxic burden and nutrient deficiencies (that will only get worse as you grow older). The most effective solution to accelerate your cleansing and uptake of nutrients is clean, potent supplementation, preferably sourced from nature (NOT synthetic). Unfortunately, this cuts out about 95 percent of supplements on the market.

Fortunately, the Health Ranger Store makes sure all products are lab-verified, potent, and contain no unnecessary (and toxic) fillers, because you deserve the best when taking care of your health.

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