Do you have optimum health? Nutritionist shares information about essential minerals and how to know if you’re deficient

Having bouts of exhaustion and a constant feeling of being under the weather may speak of a mineral deficiency, says BioCare Clinical nutritionist Marta Anhelush in a Daily Mail article. According to the nutrition expert, modern food processing and depleted soil nutrients may play a crucial role in what appears to be a chain reaction of mineral deficiency that even the best diet plans rich in fruits and vegetables might not be able to effectively address. According to Anhelush, manifestations of nutrient deficiency may vary from one person to another. The expert has also cautioned that symptoms might be more pronounced in certain individuals compared to others.

The expert’s statements reflect a 2012 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which concluded that less than 10 percent of Americans suffer from some form of nutrient deficiency.

“These findings are a snapshot of our nation’s overall nutrition status. Measurements of blood and urine levels of these nutrients are critical because they show us whether the sum of nutrient intakes from foods and vitamin supplements is too low, too high, or sufficient,” Christopher Portier, director of CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health, explained in a Huffington Post article.

Telltale signs of mineral deficiency

Anhelush included in her commentary a few symptoms indicative of mineral deficiency.

  • Magnesium – According to the nutrition expert, magnesium plays a central role in about 300 processes in the body and helps regulate female hormone balance. A deficiency in magnesium is often characterized by frequent muscle cramps, fatigue, eye twitching, or headaches, Anhelush has stated. Likewise, an article posted on the Wellness Mama website has revealed that high blood pressure, sleep issues, and depression are all telltale signs of inadequate magnesium levels. Arterial calcification, pregnancy complaints, and hormone problems also signal a magnesium deficiency. (Related: Magnesium Deficiency Linked to ADD and ADHD in Children.)
  • Zinc and vitamin E – The nutrition expert stressed that both zinc and vitamin E are essential in maintaining healthy skin. According to Anhelush, deficiencies in both zinc and vitamin E may result in eczema, brittle nails, age spots, and slow wound healing.
  • Chromium – Anhelush noted that chromium is an important nutrient that effectively controls the body’s blood sugar levels. The expert has cautioned that chromium deficiency may lead to blood sugar fluctuation, low energy levels, and sugar cravings. Insulin resistance, high cholesterol rates, and high blood pressure levels may signal inadequate chromium intake as well, according to an entry published on the Health Supplements Nutritional Guide website.
  • Vitamin C – The nutritionist also emphasized that vitamin C helps facilitate collagen synthesis in the body. According to Anhelush, vitamin C deficiency is characterized by bleeding gums, low immunity, and dry, brittle hair. Lack of vitamin C may also result in poor skin health. Likewise, a article has listed other symptoms including weight loss, fatigue, and muscle and joint pains.

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