Fighting Alzheimer’s: Neurologists come up with a plan to reduce risk and even reverse symptoms

Neurologists Dr. Dean Sherzai and Dr. Ayesha Sherzai spearhead the cutting-edge research into reducing and even reversing the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in the prestigious Memory and Ageing Centre at Loma Linda University in California. The husband-and-wife tandem have dedicated their careers to finding a cure for the devastating disease, having worked at some of the world’s leading hospitals.

Unlike other chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke that have declined, cases of Alzheimer’s are still rising. It is currently the leading cause of death in the U.K. Today, women over 60 in the U.K. are twice as likely to get dementia as breast cancer, and by 2025, it is estimated that there will be more than one million people in the U.K. with some form of dementia.

But now, thanks to years of exhaustive research, Drs. Sherzai and Sherzai believe that they have found an evidence-based way to minimize the risk of developing dementia and even help reduce some of the symptoms. The neurologists call it the “Alzheimer’s Solution” — a personalized lifestyle plan that identifies your individual risk of getting the disease and helps you reduce that risk through simple lifestyle changes.

The plan focuses on five key areas: diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and brain training (exercises that help boost brain activity such as learning a new language). The neurologists formulated a quiz which would highlight the areas of your lifestyle that may be putting you at risk.

Throughout their careers, Drs. Sherzai and Sherzai have treated patients and helped them to reverse some of the symptoms of dementia which added years to their lives. Take Evelyne, for example, a high-powered lawyer who had always been efficient and in control, whose brain started failing her when she reached 60. Just two months after her first visit with the Sherzais, tests showed that her short-term memory had improved by 30 percent and her attention score by 50 percent. In a very short space of time, Evelyne was seeing a reversal of some of her symptoms. (Related: Dementia is Reversible, Part I: Diet is the Key.)

How does the plan actually work?

After conducting one of the most comprehensive reviews ever into scientific studies that explore the causes of dementia, the Sherzais are convinced that many cases were caused by poor diet consisting of heavily processed food combined with a sedentary, sleep-deprived and stressful life.

Moreover, the data from thousands of studies convinced them that lifestyle changes that are beneficial to the heart and kidneys also appear to be beneficial to the brain. This is how the Alzheimer’s Solution works: It draws on 15 years’ worth of published research from around the globe. They have guided people through the personalized process of lifestyle change throughout their careers, and have seen profound effects.

One of their patients, Jerry, came to them with an early diagnosis of vascular dementia, desperate for a solution. After looking in detail at his lifestyle, they prescribed regular exercise. Jerry started pedaling on a stationary bike in front of his TV each day and saw immediate improvements in his mood and memory. This encouraged him to make further lifestyle adjustments, such as improving his sleep and diet. Within a year, a scan of his brain showed profound improvements.

Their discoveries have wholly altered the way that we think about dementia, cognitive health, and the future of Alzheimer’s treatment. While there may still be no “cure” for it, the right advice can help people be more mentally active for longer, reverse the symptoms of the disease and add more happy, healthy years to our lives.

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