No sex drive? Tired all the time? Bad breath? You may have a vitamin deficiency

“Not now, honey. I’ve got a headache.” If this isn’t an excuse anymore — if you really do have a headache and feeling less than amorous lately, you could have a vitamin deficiency. How about that halitosis? Do plants turn brown when you talk to them? Look at your nails. See any white spots on them? All of these can be signs of a deficiency. An article on compiled a list of the common signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency based on a new poll that observed around 2,000 British adults with occurring health complaints.

  • Low libidoYou could be low in vitamin D, studies show. Postmenopausal women with female sexual dysfunction were seen to have lower levels of vitamin D in their blood and higher symptoms of depression. A more detailed analysis of this connection found that low vitamin D levels caused women to exhibit low desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm and satisfaction and experience more pain during intercourse. Vitamin D supplements corrected these conditions. The vitamin also works well among men, boosting their sex drive. (Related: 12 Great Foods to Stop Premature Ejaculation.)
  • Brittle nails or white spots on nails — Most likely a zinc or iron deficiency. The nails are one of the first areas that show abnormalities due to low levels of vitamins or minerals. Thin and brittle nails can be a first warning sign of hypothyroidism.
  • Bad breath — Phew. Check your vitamin C and D levels. Lacking vitamin C can lead to bleeding gums and a vitamin D deficiency can cause gum disease. These conditions contribute to bacterial growth in your mouth and causes bad breath.
  • Headaches — Four vitamins are linked with chronic headaches. These are vitamins D, B6, B12, and E. Vitamin D is said to affect sleep quality. Lacking this vitamin causes sleep to not be restful, which exacerbates headaches. Vitamins B6 and B12 lower homocysteine levels which improve migraine symptoms. Vitamin E can also lower the incidence of “menstrual migraines.”
  • Constant fatigue — You may be deficient in vitamin B, iron, or magnesium. Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the nervous system. It is often linked with anemia and fatigue. However, even those who are anemic can become fatigued if they lack vitamin B.
  • Restless legs – There are studies that suggest lacking vitamin D can lead to restless legs syndrome, a common sleep disorder. Zinc is often a culprit in this condition as well.
  • Cold hands and feet — An article on suggests having constantly cold hands and feet could be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. Lacking this vitamin apparently decreases red blood cell production, subsequently resulting in anemia. To protect itself, the body usually siphons nutrients and heat from the limbs first.
  • Ulcers/Sore tongue — A sore tongue can be a symptom of an iron or B12 deficiency.
  • Stress/Anxiety —  Nutrient deficiencies can lead to or worsen stress and anxiety levels. Wellness experts recommend checking the levels of: vitamin B complex, magnesium, tryptophan, vitamin D, and calcium.
  • Insomnia – Vitamin B is necessary for restful sleep. This vitamin is crucial for cellular regeneration and helps support the immune system. It is also involved in the chemical processes for mood and sleep.

Listen to your body. It has a lot to say. Often we ignore these signs until the symptoms become more severe. It is always best to note any changes in normal function and take the necessary steps to correct them.

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