Cancer is a lifestyle disease: 4 in 10 cancers can be entirely avoided

Those who think they shouldn’t worry about cancer because they have no family history of the dreaded disease are grossly misinformed. Scientists have found time and again that genes are not the reason people get cancer. A new study shows that lifestyle is a frequent culprit. The research suggests that 2,500 cases of cancer could be prevented weekly if Britons changed their lifestyle by exercising more and losing weight. Cancer Research UK reports that almost 40 percent of cancer cases in the UK is preventable.

Smoking, the number one cause of cancer, is now giving way to obesity as the top culprit. This is why experts warn that excess weight can someday be the biggest reason why people get the disease. In fact, Cancer Research UK chief executive Sir Harpal Kumar remarked that in the next decades, obesity can be the new smoking if people don’t watch out.

Research published in the British Journal of Cancer revealed that excess weight leads to 13 kind of cancer, including bowel, breast, womb and kidney. It also shows that over 20 cases of cancer could be prevented if people maintained a healthy weight.

The good news is excess weight is a choice. Wellness expert Dani Walker, author of the book Education Beats Medication, suggests these natural ways of beating obesity:

  • Drink eight ounces of lemon water upon waking up in the morning — It jump-starts your metabolism and helps rid your body of toxins that accumulate with fat intake. Organic lemon will also help balance balance your alkaline or pH levels. Avoid zero calorie food and artificial sweeteners. Don’t be fooled by the phrase “zero calories” and stay away from artificial sweeteners that could make you ask for more. Opt for natural sweeteners like honey, molasses, raw whole sugar, or organic fruit juice.
  • Take organic apple and grapefruit as often as you can — Organic fruits and greens have live enzymes and nutrients that help cleanse the body of toxins and provide nutrition. They also suppress appetite and burn fat.
  • Go big on breakfast — A whopping 80 percent of overweight people eat a small breakfast or skip it altogether.
  • Hydrate — Take six to eight glasses of filtered water daily. Filtered water flushes fat and toxins away. This, in turn, helps you lose excess weight.
  • Walk for an hour nonstop daily — Walking is slow rhythmic movement that reboots your weight set point and develops a thin, lean body. It’s something people young and old can do. You’ll see and feel the dramatic difference in 30 days.

Cancer is no longer the death sentence is used to be. Still, prevention is better than cure. Why get sick, when a change in lifestyle will keep you healthy and strong?

Wellness is a choice, which, like most good things, need time and patience to achieve. You can choose to quit smoking and lose weight today, and look forward to spending more time with your loved ones in the future. Or, you can turn a deaf ear to all the warning signs about unhealthy living, and suffer from disease.

The ball is in your court. Read for daily health news that enhances your quality of life.

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