“Perfect day on a plate” — doctor shares daily dietary tips for healthy living

London-based general practitioner and blog author Rupy Aujla recently shared a few tips on developing a healthier diet. Speaking with Australian nutritionist Jessica Sepel, Dr. Aujla discussed how he starts his day and what his daily meal plan looks like.

The doctor noted that he follows a certain workout routine when he wakes up in the morning. This routine included doing 30 to 45 minutes of various exercises such as stretching and yoga as well as strength and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

“I do a bit of emergency medicine and I believe what you choose to put on your plate is the most important health intervention anyone can make. I tend to wake up around 6 a.m., I sit on the edge of my bed and I say a quick mantra to myself (something along the lines of being grateful for being alive and for this beautiful day…regardless of the weather,” Dr. Aujla said in a Daily Mail article.

“I drink about 700 ml of water and get on with my morning routine. Most days I eat breakfast, but other days I do a gentle fast until midday. I’ll tend to stop eating by 8 p.m. and I don’t eat late at night. I try and put my electronics away at least one hour before bed. I’m quite sensitive to caffeine so I hardly have a cup after 2 p.m. and my brew is a long black. I don’t think I could live without single origin 80 percent [dark chocolate]. With some frozen berries and hazelnuts I’m very happy,” the doctor added.

Dr. Aujla said that his lunches were usually leftovers from the night before. The doctor also discussed that he usually snacked on pecans, dark chocolate and berries at about 4 p.m. According to the doctor, he usually stops eating by 8 p.m. (Related: 7 disease-fighting foods to incorporate into your eating habits.)

Expert makes a run down of other beneficial food habits to follow

Aside from his daily routine, the doctor also shared more tips on developing healthy food habits.

According to Dr. Aujla, people trying to adopt a healthier diet must stop the following bad habits:

  • Forgetting to drink water first thing in the morning.
  • Eating the same breakfast for weeks.
  • Drinking coffee every day or having it after 2 p.m., especially if caffeine sensitivity is an issue.
  • Consuming high sugar and processed foods. Dr. Aujla said these can be replaced with other, equally appetizing foodfare like dark chocolate and berries.
  • Eating well beyond  8 p.m.
  • Snacking in-between meals.

The general practitioner also listed a number of foods that people need to eliminate from their diet. According to Dr. Aujla, it is important to take out refined carbohydrates, sugars, and hidden sugars to promote the body’s overall health.

The expert noted that food laden with empty calories — such as sweets, chocolate bars, and crisps as well as pastries, biscuits, and sweet granola bars — are obvious sources of these harmful ingredients. The general practitioner also cautioned against eating the following sources of refined sugar:

  • All white sugar
  • All juice
  • Soft drinks
  • White rice
  • White pasta
  • Wholemeal and white bread
  • Sauces and other condiments

The doctor also stressed that people should stay away from fake foods that label themselves as healthy alternatives and low fat substitutes and sweeteners. According to Dr. Aujla, these health claims have led to a significant rise in diet sandwiches, sweeteners, and margarine that contain ingredients that may trigger the onset of heart attack.

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